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The United Nations disarmament yearbook /

The United Nations disarmament yearbook / Disarmament yearbook UN disarmament yearbook 1996- Department of Political and Security Council Affairs, United Nations Centre for Disarmament. - New York : United Nations, 1977-. - v. ; 22-24 cm. - Annual - Vol. 1 (1976)-

Latest issue consulted: Vol. 27 (2002).

Vol. 28, 2003 (2004; xiii, 516 p.) Vol. 30, 2005 (2006, 508 p.)

Vols. for 1976-1981 issued by the United Nations Centre for Disarmament; 1982-1991 by the United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs; 1992, by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs; 1993-1996 by the United Nations Centre for Disarmament Affairs; 1997-<2002> by the reestablished United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs.




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